What does your applicant tracking system really cost you?

What does your applicant tracking system really cost you?

What does your applicant tracking system really cost you?

Aug 1, 2024

Navigating the Maze of Applicant Tracking Systems: A Tale of Friction and Fury

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) like Workday, Taleo, iCIMS, and the rest of the old-school crew have been staples in the recruitment world for ages. They've packed their systems with features meant to make hiring a breeze—or so they claim. But let's be real: these systems can turn applying for a job into a quest worthy of a hero, complete with obstacles that might make you throw your laptop out the window. We all want efficiency, but we also want applications that don't make us age a decade before hitting 'Submit.'

The Great Friction Adventure: When Applying Feels Like a Chore

ATS platforms love to brag about their capabilities, but here's the rub: every extra click, page, or obscure password requirement risks sending your dream candidate running for the hills. Here’s how too much friction can mess with your hiring zen:

  • Candidate Experience: Ever tried to complete a job application only to abandon it halfway through because you needed a nap? You're not alone. CareerBuilder found that 60% of job seekers quit an application process because it felt like solving a Rubik's cube blindfolded.

  • Drop-Off Rates: Appcast’s research shows a shocking 50% drop in application completion rates with each additional step. So, unless your candidates are in it for the marathon, keep it snappy.

  • High-Volume Hiring: Speed is king for high-volume roles. A clunky process means missing out on filling those positions fast enough, which is why every extra second is like kryptonite to recruiters.

But Wait, There’s More! Too Little Friction Can Lead to Madness

Too much friction might be bad, but go too far the other way, and you’ll open the floodgates to a sea of unqualified candidates. It's like opening your front door and finding the whole neighborhood has decided to crash your party:

  • Unqualified Applicant Avalanche: Simplify too much, and you'll have every Tom, Dick, and Harry applying, including those who didn’t even read the job description. HireVue reports that a staggering 75% of applicants are about as qualified as a fish for a bike race.

  • AI-Driven Chaos: Thanks to AI, candidates can now apply to hundreds of jobs with a click, even if they're more suited to being a circus clown than your company accountant.

  • Screening Costs: Wading through the hordes of unqualified hopefuls is a costly game of Whac-A-Mole that nobody signed up for.

Stats That Will Make You Rethink Your Life Choices

Before you burn your ATS to the ground, here are some juicy stats to chew on:

  • Completion Rates: Applications with 25+ questions? Say hello to an 89% drop-off rate. Keep it under five questions, and you’re golden with a 70% completion rate.

  • Time Investment: Indeed discovered that 42% of job seekers won't spend more than 10 minutes on an application. Blink, and you might miss them!

  • AI-Driven Applications: LinkedIn's research suggests a 35% spike in irrelevant applications, thanks to AI-powered application bots—because who doesn't love sorting through pointless paperwork?

The Dinosaurs of ATS: Overcomplicated and Proud

Platforms like Workday, Taleo, and iCIMS have a laundry list of features, but let’s face it: they sometimes feel like trying to program a VCR in the 80s:

  • Multi-Page Misery: Endless pages demanding your life story can scare off candidates faster than you can say "next page."

  • Form Fatigue: Fields upon fields, asking for redundant info that your resume already spells out, can be the ultimate buzzkill.

  • Confusing Interfaces: Some ATS systems are about as intuitive as a tax form. Candidates need a Ph.D. just to navigate them.

Modern Solutions: Because Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That

Welcome to the future, where modern ATS solutions like Fountain prioritize candidate happiness over hoop-jumping. Here’s how they do it:

  • Streamlined Applications: Think single-page forms where candidates can breeze through without breaking a sweat.

  • Essential Info Only: Why ask for blood type when you can get the essentials and move on? More deets can come later.

  • Mobile Magic: These modern platforms are mobile-optimized, so candidates can apply while waiting for their coffee.

  • Automation & Integration: From automated screening to seamless integration with job boards, it’s like hiring on autopilot.

Introducing Interview Army: The Hero We Deserve

Enter Interview Army, your savior in the world of chaotic recruiting. We blend frictionless processes with quality control, keeping your sanity intact:

  • Pre-Screened Perfection: We weed out the riffraff so only top candidates get through, saving you time and aspirin.

  • Friction-Free Zones: Say goodbye to useless apps from AI and hello to quality candidates with streamlined processes.

  • Speedy Hires: Get from "hello" to "you're hired" faster than you can say, "where's my offer letter?"

  • Cost Cuts: Lower recruitment costs mean more budget for celebratory cake when you find the perfect hire.

Why Partner with Interview Army?

Because we're the best thing since sliced bread—or, at least, since the last ATS upgrade:

  • Bigger & Better Pools: Attract more talent with less friction. Your inbox (and your patience) will thank you.

  • Quality Candidates Only: We pre-screen so you can skip straight to the good stuff. Your time is precious, and we know it.

  • Money Matters: Spend less on recruitment and more on the things you love (like office dogs).

  • Shine Bright Like a Diamond: A smooth process means your company looks good. Great branding and happy candidates? It’s a win-win!

Conclusion: The ATS Showdown

Choosing the right ATS can make or break your hiring game. While the old guard has its place, maybe it's time to explore fresher pastures. With Interview Army, you get the best of both worlds: efficiency without sacrificing quality. Take a good, hard look at your current system, and if it’s causing more headaches than hires, it might be time to make a switch.

Navigating the Maze of Applicant Tracking Systems: A Tale of Friction and Fury

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) like Workday, Taleo, iCIMS, and the rest of the old-school crew have been staples in the recruitment world for ages. They've packed their systems with features meant to make hiring a breeze—or so they claim. But let's be real: these systems can turn applying for a job into a quest worthy of a hero, complete with obstacles that might make you throw your laptop out the window. We all want efficiency, but we also want applications that don't make us age a decade before hitting 'Submit.'

The Great Friction Adventure: When Applying Feels Like a Chore

ATS platforms love to brag about their capabilities, but here's the rub: every extra click, page, or obscure password requirement risks sending your dream candidate running for the hills. Here’s how too much friction can mess with your hiring zen:

  • Candidate Experience: Ever tried to complete a job application only to abandon it halfway through because you needed a nap? You're not alone. CareerBuilder found that 60% of job seekers quit an application process because it felt like solving a Rubik's cube blindfolded.

  • Drop-Off Rates: Appcast’s research shows a shocking 50% drop in application completion rates with each additional step. So, unless your candidates are in it for the marathon, keep it snappy.

  • High-Volume Hiring: Speed is king for high-volume roles. A clunky process means missing out on filling those positions fast enough, which is why every extra second is like kryptonite to recruiters.

But Wait, There’s More! Too Little Friction Can Lead to Madness

Too much friction might be bad, but go too far the other way, and you’ll open the floodgates to a sea of unqualified candidates. It's like opening your front door and finding the whole neighborhood has decided to crash your party:

  • Unqualified Applicant Avalanche: Simplify too much, and you'll have every Tom, Dick, and Harry applying, including those who didn’t even read the job description. HireVue reports that a staggering 75% of applicants are about as qualified as a fish for a bike race.

  • AI-Driven Chaos: Thanks to AI, candidates can now apply to hundreds of jobs with a click, even if they're more suited to being a circus clown than your company accountant.

  • Screening Costs: Wading through the hordes of unqualified hopefuls is a costly game of Whac-A-Mole that nobody signed up for.

Stats That Will Make You Rethink Your Life Choices

Before you burn your ATS to the ground, here are some juicy stats to chew on:

  • Completion Rates: Applications with 25+ questions? Say hello to an 89% drop-off rate. Keep it under five questions, and you’re golden with a 70% completion rate.

  • Time Investment: Indeed discovered that 42% of job seekers won't spend more than 10 minutes on an application. Blink, and you might miss them!

  • AI-Driven Applications: LinkedIn's research suggests a 35% spike in irrelevant applications, thanks to AI-powered application bots—because who doesn't love sorting through pointless paperwork?

The Dinosaurs of ATS: Overcomplicated and Proud

Platforms like Workday, Taleo, and iCIMS have a laundry list of features, but let’s face it: they sometimes feel like trying to program a VCR in the 80s:

  • Multi-Page Misery: Endless pages demanding your life story can scare off candidates faster than you can say "next page."

  • Form Fatigue: Fields upon fields, asking for redundant info that your resume already spells out, can be the ultimate buzzkill.

  • Confusing Interfaces: Some ATS systems are about as intuitive as a tax form. Candidates need a Ph.D. just to navigate them.

Modern Solutions: Because Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That

Welcome to the future, where modern ATS solutions like Fountain prioritize candidate happiness over hoop-jumping. Here’s how they do it:

  • Streamlined Applications: Think single-page forms where candidates can breeze through without breaking a sweat.

  • Essential Info Only: Why ask for blood type when you can get the essentials and move on? More deets can come later.

  • Mobile Magic: These modern platforms are mobile-optimized, so candidates can apply while waiting for their coffee.

  • Automation & Integration: From automated screening to seamless integration with job boards, it’s like hiring on autopilot.

Introducing Interview Army: The Hero We Deserve

Enter Interview Army, your savior in the world of chaotic recruiting. We blend frictionless processes with quality control, keeping your sanity intact:

  • Pre-Screened Perfection: We weed out the riffraff so only top candidates get through, saving you time and aspirin.

  • Friction-Free Zones: Say goodbye to useless apps from AI and hello to quality candidates with streamlined processes.

  • Speedy Hires: Get from "hello" to "you're hired" faster than you can say, "where's my offer letter?"

  • Cost Cuts: Lower recruitment costs mean more budget for celebratory cake when you find the perfect hire.

Why Partner with Interview Army?

Because we're the best thing since sliced bread—or, at least, since the last ATS upgrade:

  • Bigger & Better Pools: Attract more talent with less friction. Your inbox (and your patience) will thank you.

  • Quality Candidates Only: We pre-screen so you can skip straight to the good stuff. Your time is precious, and we know it.

  • Money Matters: Spend less on recruitment and more on the things you love (like office dogs).

  • Shine Bright Like a Diamond: A smooth process means your company looks good. Great branding and happy candidates? It’s a win-win!

Conclusion: The ATS Showdown

Choosing the right ATS can make or break your hiring game. While the old guard has its place, maybe it's time to explore fresher pastures. With Interview Army, you get the best of both worlds: efficiency without sacrificing quality. Take a good, hard look at your current system, and if it’s causing more headaches than hires, it might be time to make a switch.


2023 Interview Army